Mailing Address

Heart to Heart Catholic Media Ministry
420 W County Line Rd, Suite 200
Barrington, IL 60010

Heart to Heart is a non-profit 501 (c)3 ministry whose mission it is to “proclaim the Good News to all the world.” Your donations make it possible for us to continue to fulfill our mission!

If you would like more information about how to make a tax deductible donation to our organization from a Charitable Trust or Stock donation, please call toll-free 877-208-4875.

General Donations

Thank you for considering a donation to Heart to Heart! For one-time or recurring annual gifts, please click this button.

Annual Appeal

New in 2024, the Heart to Heart Annual Appeal for end of year gifts! Please click this button to make an Annual Appeal gift.

Pacemaker Program

Pacemakers help keep our heart beating regularly. To join this recurring giving program, please click the button below.