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Seeds of Hope – Individual Orders


Seeds of Hope is a booklet of 40 stories and heartwarming reflections based on the book Inspiration, by the late Fr. Jim Willig. It is sure to inspire us all to keep growing in grace! Use this booklet on your own, with your prayer group, or with your family.



Sample Story – Michalangelo’s David

“Just as we have born the image of the earthly one, we shall bear the image of the heavenly one.” 1 Corinthians 15:49

One of the great masterpieces of sculpture in classical art is undoubtedly the statue David by Michelangelo.

Did you know that when this was first contracted to be sculpted in Florence, it was given to a man by the name of Agostino di Duccio? He went to the quarry to select the block to begin the sculpture and discovered it was too narrow and there was a fault line crack in it. He abandoned the project.

Another man, Antonio Rossellino, was then brought in. He, too, studied the rock and marble and decided there was nothing he could do with such imperfection.

It wasn’t until forty years later that a young sculptor entered the scene. It was 26 year-old Michelangelo who had a great gift for envisioning the man inside the marble. He set forth with only his determination, chisel, and tools to bring forth this masterpiece, the statue David.

Isn’t it interesting how Michelangelo sculpted such artistry out of a piece of marble that was rejected by two other notable sculptors?

The same is true with God and with us. Inside each of us is a precious and most beautiful person. A masterpiece!

Of course, God needs to sculpt and to hew away the rough edges of our personality and our spirituality in order to fashion and form us into the most beautiful creature that He sees we are.

Today, let us invite God to go to work on us, so that we can be something beautiful for God. Then we truly will be a Masterpiece!


What are your rough edges that you would like to ask God’s help in making smooth?

What is it about you that makes you a special masterpiece of God?

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